While high street stores are slowly focusing on inclusive clothing styles, Buzzoms is taking the lead with elevated tops and dresses that can be worn bra free, for all full-figured women.
⚾ The Elevator Pitch:
Ask any fully-chested woman who’s obsessed with fashion, and they’ll probably tell you how hard shopping can be. The fashion industry didn’t seem to pay attention to the fact that an average women's clothing size is 14, but focused on sizes below 12. The ironic part is that more than 65% of shoppers are made up of full-cupped women. This customer segment is often overlooked when it comes to braless options.
Marshay Clarke, Founder of Buzzoms, saw this as an opportunity and made tailored a clothing line for D+ women. The brand features an everyday clothing line specifically designed for ladies with a large chest. Marshay says “the focus is on making a new sizing standard for women who have full busts, but are different shapes and sizes. “You can be a size 4 or 14 and find something at Buzzoms that's right for you.”
👇 The Drop Down
Site: https://buzzoms.com/
Founded: 2020
Stage: Pre-Seed
Trend: Fashion
Traction: $10K/month run rate, Featured by TravelUnderTheRadar & TheSkimm
Team: GTM Strategy/Ops at Google, Creative Designers, and Fashion enthusiasts
Marshay Clarke (CEO) | Caitlin Kelly (Director of Marketing)
🔍 Why we like it
👗 Tops, Dresses, and Beyond!
The brand was initially launched to offer braless tops for curvy women. With the success of their preliminary store and after incoming customer’s requests, they now also sell braless dresses. Although the lineup is still somewhat limited, they are making a spectacular number of sales every month. “We launched February this year (2020) and have grown to a $10k/month run rate since launch,” says Marshay. While they currently focus on elevated basics, they have aggressive plans to increase their variety of styles and colors to address increased demand.📈 Huge Underserved Market
As mentioned previously, although plus-sized women make up 65% of the population, modern fashion companies tend to focus on the smaller sizes when coming out with new and innovative pieces. Buzzoms realized this and strives for equality. Only with Buzzoms, will women of all sizes be able to ditch the bra & hang with the new front-runners of fashion.
The intense demand for Buzzoms’ product is palpable. The market response is powerful as they tap into strong advocates of the brand mission, and company. Marshay said: “Customers really like us, we're consistently selling out of stock within a 30-day time frame and are producing monthly production runs to keep up. We also plan on raising additional funding at the beginning of next year and are looking for investors at the moment”.😍 A Super Friendly Approach - High Growth
The founder of Buzzoms, Marshay, has a background in marketing, and used her marketing experience to create one of the best customers journeys for her customers. She even strategized her website copy to showcase that Buzzoms is a brand that actually cares rather than a corporation that just focuses on selling products. Buying from Buzzoms feels like asking a friend, “What should I wear tonight?”
🤝 Get involved with Buzzoms
Join the movement at the Buzzoms website
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Check out Buzzoms founder, Marshay Clarke’s, story: